Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Debit Card Secret

The banking system is a major tracking system. The financial system can track each customer that have a saving and checking account by providing each customer with a debit card. The debit card is designed to log-in and keep track of every purchase the customer makes daily.

The system can be used to track the purchases you make anywhere. The system tracks the time and location of each transaction. If the customer is ever in trouble with the law, or someone is trying to locate you, the information can be used to determine your location.

If you have child support, and you are behind on monthly payments - your account can be levied by the state. In addition, if you are trying to hide - this is another way to find what county or state you are living.

Another key point - if you close your bank account and don't cancel the debit card - someone can use your card and reopen your bank account. Remember, if you close your bank account always request that the debit card be closed or cancel. You must tell the bank representative to take this action specifically or your account can be reopened by a merchant you've done business with in the past. Bank customers beware - don't believe this to be true - ask your friendly banker - they may tell you the truth. Subscribe to our newsletter service.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Corporations of America

Did you know the "United States of America" is a corporation? Did you know that every state, city, and town is a separate corporation - operating as a separate entity? All these corporations are using data to determine how to make money. If you are living within the jurisdictions of these corporations, you are under their rules and policies.

Ask you self this question? How does the city and state help you? They control everything around you including your movements. You purchase you electricity from the state, and your water from the city. You have no control over the prices. The county control appraisals - which determines your property, school, and county taxes. The state charges sales taxes and regulate the price for natural gas. When was the last time you got to vote on the price?

This is how the system is set up today. You have no control over nothing; therefore, you are the victim. Remember the gas prices last year? They reached almost $5.00 a gallon. After the filled their bank accounts up enough - they decided they had enough money for now. Then they let us off the hook until they decide to do it again.

There are solutions to every problem. Gas prices don't have much effect on the rich - they have money. However, if you are poor or middle class - you have to make some major changes in life to make ends meet. What are you doing today to prepare for the next move by the rich? First, you must know the system. If not, you will still be the victim. Membership to my newsletter you get to email specific questions related to your specific situation. Only $20
per month. Drop me an email for more information. Email: ''

Until next time, protect yourself today.


The System Controls and Manipulates

The system gathers and maintains information on you every day. The information is used to create strategies to assist in removing money from your pocket. Many of us are living in this system, and we are just above broke and bankruptcy. Do you really think this is by accident?

What do you know about the following systems:

Police Dept, The Bank, Debit Cards, Credit Agencies, Loans, Probation, Parole,
County Jail, Child Support, Corporations, Welfare System, Social Security, IRS,
Back Ground Checks, 36,000 Data Bases, Your City, State, County, Warrents, Bail
Bonds, Bail Bondsman, Auto VIN numbers, The Internet, Digital Boxes, Birth Certificates,
Marriage License, ID's, Driver's License, Employment, Phone, DWI's and many more....

If you are like most people in America, you probably don't know anything about most of these systems. Most of us become victims to the system and still don't understand what happen. The Matrix is in full operation and is designed to keep you under control. The middle class and the poor are the most manipulated group and don't even know it.

How can you win the game if you don't even know the rules? The secrets used by a few to control the many. Join our monthly newsletter - only $20.00 per month. Get answers to all your problems. Email us with a specific issue:

Until the next time - protect yourself