Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Live In Delaware County: The Right To Travel Freely In America - DENIED !

I'm a firm believer that the system is being used against us all. It's really all about money, not safety.
They continue to make corporate policy to separate Americans from their money daily.
You have to have a valid ID because that's one of the ways the State Corporation makes money.
My personal opinion, any ID with your information should be good enough. Of course, that's not
going to be acceptable. Wake up people, the matrix is alive and well. Just ask yourself, what do i
control - the anwser is properly nothing. Welcome to the real world.


Still Falling For The Disillusions?

When you are driving or walking down the streets in your city, what exactly do you see? The nice houses, the well designed street lights and posts, the professionally designed sidewalks in front of the houses?

When you start your nice and wonderful car, what exactly is really happening. How about when you get up to go to work. When you stop at the gas station and get gas and coffee. What are you doing really?

These are all systems that was designed by someone else. You are moving about in a world that is not of your own making. You have been conditioned so long, it has become automatic to you. We won't call you a robot, but you are pretty close. You are at a point now in your life where you don't even have to think. Someone has already done all this for you. This is why we hate to go to work everyday. We have lost total control of everything. Our vacations are weekends, while the persons who came up with this system is on vacation every day of the week.

Have you every tried to stay home from work? If not, try it one day. This time, get out of bed and go to Walmart or Starbucks and see who is at these locations. The Rich - the operators of the system you are in today. They are sitting around laughing and talking and enjoying the day, while you are at work trying to plan a potluck lunch with your co-workers. You are just trying to get a little fun out of your condition and the circumstances you found yourself in.

You are a conditioned creature in a world of disillsions. You are so deep into the system, you do most of your activity automatically without question. The matrix is alive and well.

Do you remember when they make it illegal to spank your child? You don't? Well, today you can go to jail for taking this action. If you are a religious person, you know for a fact the bible states, " If you Spare the Rod you Spoil the Child!" However, we followed the demands of those who run the system. The problem is we did not know the ramifications of following these instructions.

Let's examine who benefits from this decision in our society. First, you stop spanking the child due to this new law or government policy. (Most of the time we don't even know who passed the law or rule, we just follow along without question) Our failure to spank our children leads to trouble within our families. No one says you have to beat a child - but most of us do agree that you must at times spank or the child will become unmanageable. The failure to regulate and curve the child behavior makes the child unfit for interaction within a civilized society. Now the child won't go to school. Now the child will walk down the public street and now move when a car comes, now the child fails to listen to the teacher or the police.

What do you think is happening here? Do you think this situation and circumstance wasn't planned. You followed this corporate policy and the end result is you being separated from your money - again. Let's face the fact, a child not attending school or causing problems at school will cause you to end up in court. It's now a legal matter. The fines are high and the states are building jails for our children. They continue to come up with new systems and ways to take your money on a regular basis. It is not over yet. They are still comming up with new and improved ways each month and year. Will you continue to be a robot, or will you wake up from your sleep and take back the control of your life. Sorry, it does require some work on your part. Until next time, take action and change your life.